Water from the tap, rain, river, lake, well or groundwater, for domestic or agricultural use could be disinfected by traditional methods such as filtration, chemicals, distillation, ultraviolet lamp or boiling. However, those methods have drawbacks and limitations for many applications, and in most cases ozone is by far a superior disinfection solution.
The Benefits of Ozone
- Ozone is the strongest disinfectant commercially available
- Ozone is the post powerful Oxidising Agent available to Mankind
- Performs its intended disinfection functions extremely quickly
- Environmentally Friendly – Leaves no residual of its own decomposition except oxygen
- Ozone is up to 50 times more efficient than chlorine and other chemical disinfectants
- Ozone destroys microorganisms that are resistent to chlorine
- Ozone also removes odours and colours
- Ozone decreases overall water treatment and products processing costs
- Ozone use is approved by the FDA and guided by the EPA in the USA
- Ozone technology is today safe and easy to handle
- Ozone – The One & Only Green Detergent!

At ambient temperatures and pressures, ozone as produced is an unstable gas, slightly heavier than air, and with a characteristic pungent odour that is easily recognized by the human nasal sensory features. It is a very powerful oxidizing agent as well as a very powerful disinfecting agent. Although it’s less corrosive in water than chlorine, because of its oxidizing ability, ozone can cause a few materials to degrade (e.g., natural rubbers) if it is not applied with calculated & engineering care. Also because of its strong oxidizing nature, ozone should not be breathed by humans. However, unlike gaseous chlorine, ozone is not a systemic poison. Nor does it cause cancer in humans or animals.

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