Ozone Micro and NanoBubble System CF4-Series
The CF4 Product Series allows the amazing disinfection and sanitization power of Ozonated Water through a Microbubble Delivery System to be effectively used in industrial environments such as Aquaculture, Marine, Cooling Tower and any application where process water needs to be thoroughly disinfected. For any industry where large volume of water is handled and processed, Ozonated Water will provide the most effective disinfection and sanitation whilst leaving no chemical residue, no flavor or smell and preserve shelf life of all raw materials and products. This Heavy-Duty Professional Disinfection System from Quioz uses state-of-the-art Hardware and incorporates only certified and the most efficient component where 24-7 performance is required. The unit fulfils numerous disinfection and hygiene requirement for all type of industries, and we offer accessories ranging from full Automation with dissolved O3 analyzers to onboard Air Conditioning for extreme climates. Quioz uses patented High Frequency Cold Plasma Ozone reactor technology for optimal performance. Ozone is the world’s strongest food grade antimicrobial agent.
Key Features:
- Microbubble Ozone-Delivery System
- 100% Chemical-Free Disinfection without Toxic By-Products
- High Frequency Cold Plasma O3 Reactors with 12% Concentration
- Compact Oil-Free Air Compressors with Special Air Filter & Dryer
- Medical-Grade Oxygen Concentrators with 96% purity performance
- Multi-Flow O3 Manifold-System with Recirculation Capabilities
- Ultra Nano-Bubble O3-Injection Design in 316L and Teflon Seals
- Anti-Return Security Valve & Solenoid O3-Gas Protection Systems
- Complete Instrumentation & Regulation of onboard Air, O2 & O3
- All materials are 100% Ozone Compatible
- Ozone Production is 100% adjustable
- Easy and secure to operate with minimum maintenance

- Disinfection of Drinking and Industrial Process Water
- Increases Food Safety in all Food Related Industries
- Ideal for rough environments such as Marine & Mining
- Oxidation of Pesticides, Herbicides and Phenols
- Soil Fumigation (alternative to CH3Br)
- Very Rapid Disinfection of fruits and vegetables
- Cold Water Disinfection in Industrial Laundries
- Wastewater Treatment & Oxidation (drastic improvement of BOD & COD)
- Reduction of Iron and Manganese
- The use of Ozone is certified by the FDA y USDA

Please contact us via email at: sales@quioz.com. For info in Spanish, kindly visit our website covering Latin America: www.quioz.cl

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