Mobile Ozone System
The M18 product-series is a highly autonomous “Plug & Play” Mobile Ozone System. You can use it around any process facility with ease, and connect it to existing tanks, washers, process or CIP systems. Ozone is the superior oxidant enhance food safety by inacSvaSng all type of dangerous pathogens such as Salmonella EnteriSdis, E. coli 0157:H7, Micrococcus Aureus, Clostriduim Botulinum and Listeria Monocytogenes. Further safety and shelf-life improvement are gained by dramatically reducing molds such as BotrySs, Aspergillus, Rhizopus and others.
Great savings can be achieved by using ozone through cold disinfecSon (ozone works best in cold water), hence reducing or eliminaSon the need for steam or hot water. The technology is also highly universal, and is used with success within meat and poultry process, washing fruit and vegetables (Ozone is also the only green saniSzer that oxidizes PesScides and Fungicides from fruit and vegetables), food storage, and during wash-downs of floors, walls, machines etc. Ozone is also less corrosive on metals than many tradiSonal chemicals such as chlorine. Last but not least is the tremendous advantage that ozone is produced safely in place using only air & electricity.
These products are delivered 100% tested and operational, with onboard compressed (oil-free) air, oxygen, ozone, injection-system w/mini-tank for off-gas and destruct included. All Plug & Play in beautiful super-solid stainless steel chassis. We have accessories such as ozone-resistant hose & nozzle (pistol). Remember that Ozone is the only green sanitizer that oxidizes Pesticides and Fungicides from fruit and vegetables.
This unique system is off industrial design, using the very best components and materials designed to work continuously. The M18 Mobile Ozone System product-series now represents the standard disinfectant-tool for many Food & Beverage processors in Europe, North and South America.

Portable ozonated water production has never been easier or more flexible. The M18 Series of portable ozone contacting systems bring together the very best of state-of-the-art components and air-cooled corona discharge ozone technology in compact and completely integrated ozone contacting systems. These durable, mobile units provide ozone production comparable to that of permanently installed ozone contacting skids – up to 30 grams per hour or 1.5 pounds per day.
- Oil-Free Air Compressor w/Water-Drain & Dryer System.
- PSA Medical-Grade Oxygen Gas Generator. Gas moisture protection. This onboard pressure swing adsorption concentrators remove moisture before the gas reaches the reactor cell. Reduces the risk of nitric acid buildup on the reactor surfaces (extends service life).
- Flow Meter for Oxygen Gas.
- Industrial Air-Cooled FPT O3 Reactor-Cell with 30 g/hr high concentration capacity.
- O3 Reactor-cell made of titanium, ceramic, and silicone. The dielectric plate is carefully suspended within its window to relieve heat expansion stress. Very durable, efficient, low maintenance.
- Dissolved O3-levels of 3-4 ppm w/56 lpm of water-flow (depends on water-quality and temperature).
- Stainless Food-Grade Booster Pump.
- Flow-Sensor for incoming water presence.
- Mazzei Gas-To-Liquid Mass Transfer Venturi System (Kynar Material).
- Backflow-Prevention. Prevents water from entering the ozone reactor cell and oxygen concentrator. Equipped with check valve in stainless steel. This protection prevents costly damage from water infiltration in high pressure process water situations when unit is turned off.
- Mini-Reaction & Vent-Tank.
- O3/O2 Ventilation-Valve Off-Gas System.
- O3 Destruct-System.
- Instrumentation includes LED Visuals for O3 operation
- Incoming air pressure regulator. Regulates air to the required pressure. Allows the correct pressure to be achieved.
- Emergency stop switch. Pressing the E-stop switch will disable the entire ozone system. Allows for emergency shutdown for increased employee safety.
- Temperature switch. Disables power supply when the electronics exceed a preset temperature. Temperature switch is mounted to the components that generate and dissipate the heat. Prevents power supply overheating.
- Modular construction. Modular designs allow major components to be easily interchanged. Provides for simple upgrades or configuration changes. Makes service and repair work quick and easy. Allows for quick delivery on orders.
- Complete Food-Grade Stainless Steel Construction. All external plumbing, valves, pump, frame, destruct, ozone generator, de-gas separator are 100% corrosion resistant.
- Pipe set of Sanitary Design made in stainless steel, TIG welded. Connections are 1.5″ sanitary flange with Teflon gaskets. Appropriate for sanitary applications in the food and beverage Industries.

Originally developed for the wine industry, the M18 Series is ideal for barrel washing, tank sanitization, surface disinfection, and clean-in-place (CIP) of tanks and piping. The M18 Series is also being applied in a growing range of food and beverage applications in dairy, brewing, beverage, produce, seafood, processed foods, and meat and poultry. The mobility of the M18 Series provides ozone wherever it is needed – at various sites within a single facility, or even at multiple locations for diverse on-site applications.

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