Feed-Gas & Oxygen Systems
Air is the prime source of fuel/feed gas in order to generate Ozone. Before the feed gas enters the ozone generator, air dryers should dry the air. Ambient air contains moisture, which reacts with ozone. This leads to a reduction of the ozone yield per kWh. An additional problem of high humidity is that undesired reactions occur in the corona unit. When increased amounts of water vapor are present, larger quantities of nitrogen oxides are formed when sparks discharge occurs. Nitrogen oxide can form nitric acid, which can cause corrosion.
Furthermore, hydroxy-radicals are formed that combine with oxygen radicals and with ozone. Al these reactions reduce the capacity of the ozone generator. The presence of organic impurities in gas feed must be avoided, including impurities arising from engine exhausts, leakages in cooling groups, or leakages in electrode cooling systems. The gas supply of the generator must be very clean.
Ozone is produced from oxygen, so it can be produced from ambient air (21 % oxygen) or nearly pure oxygen (e.g. 95 %). Pure oxygen can be generated from ambient air by an oxygen generator. The ozone concentration which an ozone generator delivers is dependant on the oxygen concentration (among other things). and one can claim that the ozone production increases by a factor 1,7 to 2,5 when pure oxygen is used, at constant electrical power.
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