It´s hard to imagine any water environment for aquaculture or wastewater-treatment without aeration-technology installed. Aeration means using ambient air to bring water and air in close physical contact so we can achieve enhanced dissolved oxygen levels in the water and remove unwelcome dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide and oxidizes dissolved metals such as iron, hydrogen sulphide together with volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). Very often we start at an early stage implementing air into the process of water treatment. This really helps to remove or modify unwanted elements to optimize the treatment processes downstream.
There are many different aeration products on the market today, which splashes, sprays, or diffuses air into water. Very few of these generate small or fine bubbles, which are more efficient. Smaller and finer bubble-size means larger surface area where water contacts air and more importantly where the oxygen-transfer takes place. So, find bubbles aeration products are more efficient when it comes to oxygen-transfer than larger or coarse bubble aerators.
At Quioz we have extensive experience with injecting and mixing of both gases and ambient air into water. Our fine bubble hoses and air blowers represent the latest technology in their categories, with long-life. and low-maintenance intervals.
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